How does the PRP work to improve biology and improve symptoms?
The aim of platelet rich plasma (PRP) is to deliver bio-stimulating growth factors directly to the site requiring accelerated healing or regeneration. When the platelets are injected, they release potent growth factors upon contact with collagen. These plateletreleased growth factors have been well studied for over 30 years in the fields of general surgery, orthopaedics, sports medicine, dermatology, plastic surgery, wound healing and dentistry. Research has proven the multiple positive effects of growth factors on musculoskeletal tissue, including ability to attract stem cells to the injected area which will differentiate in to fibroblasts and produce new collagen, elastin and upgrade the ECM; and angiogenesis which increases blood flow. Wherever PRP is injected in the body, it initiates a natural healing and regenerative process and in this procedure will provide natural rejuvenation of the vagina, distal urethra and meatus, vestibule, clitoris and labia by improving the number, health and function of cell types in the injected area.
Are all PRP procedures equal?
No – the PRP system should be TGA approved and needs to be the latest technology otherwise the PRP that is injected is of very low concentration and will not have the same regenerative outcome as a high platelet concentration PRP like Alocuro’s superior PRP technology provides. Naturalis PRP procedures can only be performed by doctors trained in the procedure, and using a latest technology, TGA approved, PRP system is used that extracts very ‘pure’ PRP with superior platelet extraction so that maximum growth factors can be injected. The treatment outcomes are also dependent on scientifically based pre and post procedure patient care, robust technical protocols and quality and number of platelets being injected.
How is the PRP is extracted from patient’s blood?
The procedure uses point of care system where a patient’s blood sample is taken (similar to a regular blood test) and placed in sterile PRP device. After centrifugation the platelets are precisely concentrated and collected for reinjection.
How is the PRP injected?
The concentrated PRP is injected in to the areas requiring rejuvenation, to stimulate the body’s stem cell response, which leads to new cells, collagen and blood vessels (to deliver nutrients to cell) improving the superficial and deeper tissues.
What are the typical patient outcomes?
The procedure is tailored to each patient’s situation, and may benefit:
VVA symptoms - improved vaginal biology – healthier, more supple, elastic vaginal tissue, increased lubrication, increased blood flow and better neuronal response, less painful and more pleasurable intercourse and reduction in infective/ inflammatory vaginal processes
FSD symptoms - in vulvovaginal tissues: increased sensitivity improved clitoral function, sexual response, libido and enhanced orgasms, G spot stimulation for sexually active patients
SUI symptoms - reduced symptoms of stress incontinence with feeling of better urinary control
What happens in the procedure?
Naturalis PRP is a simple outpatient procedure where the treating doctor uses the Alocuro PRP system to collect 90-95% of platelets from 30mls patient’s blood, and after effective local anaesthetic, injects them into the superficial vaginal mucosa, clitoris, labia and surrounding tissues.
Procedure time: 45 minutes from patient arrival to procedure completion
What are the typical patient outcomes?
After 2 treatments, approximately 75% patients will gain a good improvement in symptoms for 12-18 months. Every patient will have a unique response - some patients will notice a good improvement within 5 days after the procedure whereas other patients may take up to 8 weeks to notice a positive change. The tissues will then continue to improve for at least 6 months with further subtle improvements in collagen maturation occurring for another 12months.
How long do the results last?
The procedure is tailored to the clinical indication, and baseline data and 12-week post treatment efficacy data is collected on all patients. After the initial series of 2 treatments, annual single ‘top-up’ treatments are advised to sustain the benefits.
Pain: Minimal to nil after use of effective prescription only, topical local anaesthetic gel.
Patients can resume relatively normal activities immediately after the procedure.
Post procedure care:
Patients will be given specific post procedure care instructions, repeat procedure at 6 weeks, with clinical review by the treating doctor at 12 weeks.
Can it be used with vaginal laser?
Yes, they are complementary techniques. Research studies have found that laser treatment is improved by prior PRP procedure.
Whilst Naturalis PRP is very effective; it is not suitable for all patient presentations. A consultation is required prior to booking the procedure.
Can Naturalis PRP help treat Lichen Sclerosus?
Yes – Naturalis PRP procedure can also be used to treat Vulval Lichen Sclerosus with recent research studies demonstrating PRP can provide statistically significant improvement in patient symptoms and decreased histopathologic inflammation without the potential side effects associated with topical or systemic immunomodulators.